Dental Articles - La Crete

Ten Tips for Caring for Dentures

Are you wearing dentures? Or will you be receiving dentures? This blog provides ten tips to help you maintain your dentures.

Ten Tips for Caring for Dentures

Here are ten tips for preserving the life, comfort, function, and condition of your dentures on a day to day basis.

Keep your dentures in your mouth throughout the day. Prolonged tooth loss or absence of dentures from your jaw will, over time, contribute to the loss of bone tissue in your jaw.

Develop a routine to avoid losing your dentures. You’d be surprised just how easy it is to lose your dentures and just how often it happens. When traveling or away from home always use a case to keep them safe and at hand. At home, get into the habit of taking them out, soaking them, and putting them back in in the same locations of your home

Keep your dentures in La Crete away from the dog. You know by now that dogs are curious creatures who love to chew. Dentures are a mighty temptation to dogs. Keep them safely out of reach of all pets.

Take precautions in case you drop your dentures. Sturdy as your dentures are, they can be damaged if dropped onto a hard surface. When cleaning or handling your dentures for any reason outside your mouth, do so over a surface that won’t damage them in case you drop them — water, a towel, or anything soft.

After you eat, rinse. Everytime you eat, you run the risk of food particles and bacteria lingering around and under your dentures and along your gums. Letting those food particles and bacteria linger for long can dirty your dentures but, even worse, contribute to gum disease. Get in the habit of removing and quickly rinsing your dentures after you eat.

Keep them moist. The material that your dentures are made of can gradually dry out. If that happens, they can warp which will cause them not to fit any longer. To keep your dentures from drying out, place them in a container with enough water to cover your dentures completely.

When soaking your dentures, avoid hot water. On the subject of immersing your dentures in water, don’t soak them in hot water. Just as the shape of your dentures can change if they dry out, the shape of dentures near you can change if they are soaked in water that is too hot because the materials may soften or melt. When soaking your dentures, use cool or lukewarm water instead.

Clean dentures in La Crete with the right materials. When you’re cleaning your dentures, don’t use just anything, but take the time to select the right materials. Use a soft toothbrush and a toothpaste that is designed specifically for cleaning your dentures. If your toothbrush is too firm, they’ll roughen the surface of your dentures that will more easily be stained.

If you have a special form of denture called a cosmetic partial or flexible partial, don’t use a toothbrush to clean those. Instead, use specialized cleaning agents and a sonic toothbrush that will preserve the polish and smoothness of the surfaces.

On the topic of cleaning… clean them twice a day. A dentist near you will give you clear instructions about how to keep your dentures clean. The staff at the dental clinic near you will explain a number of techniques, including brushing, soaking, and using denture-cleaning tablets. Use only products specifically intended for cleaning dentures, and ask your dentist for recommendations if you’re uncertain.

Be careful to ensure your dentures are fitting properly. Your dentures will only work and restore your dental function for as long as they fit. Over time, the fit of your dentures will change as the shape of your gums and jaw changes. That’s natural and not a problem. What is a problem — one that can cause sores and discomfort as well as instability — is wearing dentures that don’t fit properly. If the fit doesn’t seem right, contact the dental clinic in La Crete as soon as possible.

Partial or full dentures in La Crete can be an ideal solution for tooth loss for many people. But that solution can be quickly undermined if you don’t take care of your dentures. Follow these tips to keep your dentures in the best shape possible, to preserve your dentures’ life span, and to eat and live confidently with your dentures.

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La Crete, AB, T0H 2H0